Mass effect 2 explorer achievement
Mass effect 2 explorer achievement

mass effect 2 explorer achievement

This achievement sound hard, but its actually easy, you only need to do around 55-60% of the game, 100% is not necessary – Against Saren on the Citadel (Maximun charm or intimidate talents required) – Against Wrex on Virmire (A least 8 points in charm or intimidate talents required) You need to use a Paragon or Renegate option during an important argument. ME1: Use Charm or Intimidate to resolve an impossible situation in the game ME1: Find all primary Alien: Council Races Extinct Races and Non-Council Races codex entries (Asteeroid X57)Īvalaible after Shepard became a Spectre (Not mandatory to complete the main story) ME1: Complete the Bring Down the Sky mission. ME1: Complete 5 missions with the asari squad member (Liara) ME1: Complete 5 missions with the turian squad member (Garrus) ME1: Complete 5 missions with the quarian squad member (Tali) ME1: Complete 5 missions with the krogan squad member (Wrex) ME1: Complete 5 missions with the Alliance soldier squad member (Ashley) ME1: Complete 5 missions with the Alliance sentinel squad member (Kaidan) Stasis can be done by Kaidan – Liara – WrexĪI Hacking can be done by Tali – Or a Engineer Shepard

mass effect 2 explorer achievement mass effect 2 explorer achievement

Singularity can be done by Liara – Or a Adept Shepard Sabotage can be done by Kaidan – Tali – Garrusīarrier can be done by Kaidan – Liara – Wrex Shield Overload can be done by Kaidan – Tali – Liara – Garrus Throw can be done by Kaidan – Liara – Wrex Neural Shock can be done by Kaidan or an engineer Shepard Most of those achievement need a enemy target/enemy near by to count for the achievementĬan be restocked anytime on the Normandy infirmary ME1 : Power and teammate related achievementsĪll power related achievement can be done with teammate power Short explanation/advice on hard achievement

Mass effect 2 explorer achievement